The Change of Seasons

Dec. 24, 2011

I was out one night in the fall, for a friend's birthday, and next to us was a bachelorette party. It was quite a large group of sassy women in their early twenties (as I learned when our parties got to a-chatting together). The ladies were having a blast, dancing and laughing... and doing all the funny things women do at bachelorette parties in nightclubs. Anyway at one point my friend looked at me incredulously, and said, "You LOVE brides!" Apparently she derived this from my constant exclaims of delight, every time something exciting happened. "Look at the bride! Look what they're doing! Omigod, group dance - we should learn a group dance! Aw, look what they got her!"... and so on. And the truth is, my friend was right. I was happy for this bride and her fabulous party. I love weddings - there I said it. I just can't get sick of 'em.

One of the best things about being a wedding photographer, is that it is such a social profession. Every weekend we get to know a brand new posse of people, and spend an action-packed day together. It is uplifting to be in a room with a couple on one of the biggest days (emotionally, if not logistically) of their life - surrounded by their closest friends, family members, respected colleagues, and basically everyone they love. Imagine the emotion running through the air, the pride and excitement people feel as they see the folks they care for, finally coming together.

And we are lucky to be there too, to capture the moments. To spot the shining eyes, to hear the kind words spoken, and to witness the vows taken not only by the couple getting married, but often by their loved ones as well - promising to lend their support.

Rudo and I have had a busy year, and a great time meeting fascinating, hilarious, and lovely people.
As we move forward, I thank you again for sharing with us, and giving us the opportunity to be a part of your special day. You made us laugh and sometimes cry (okay, not Rudo, but I am generally a crier so...). We sweated and we froze together (depending on your wedding date); you fed us, and welcomed us into your homes, and made us feel like family; we consumed delicious coffee and food that was scrumptious.
We have made some new friends for life. Here's to many more good times ahead!


~ Kate

Happy Holidays from Rudo and Kate!
- no matter what you celebrate -